Friday, December 25, 2015

The Rock of Our Salvation!!

Jesus Christ is the Rock of our Salvation!
He is the joy of our Salvation!
There is no other Rock like our God!
Taste and see that there is honey in this Rock!
It is sweeter than the honey comb
And much purer than gold!!
Oil pours out upon this Rock
As he anoints His living word!
Upon this Rock
Jesus builds his church!!
We are like pillars in the house of our God!
We are like them that dream,
For this Rock has turned our captivity
From mourning and set our feet to dancing
Upon the high mountains of our God,
For out of this Rock was our deliverance
For we came from the bosom
 Of our Heavenly Father
 As did his Son!!
We are called by His name!!
Childrn of the Living God!

I Will Fly!!

I am the Lord's portion;
I am his inheritance.
The Lord found me in the desert
And in the deep wilderness lost,
He led me out
And instructed me; 
He keeps me
As the apple of his eye.
I keep my eyes on his eyes
As he directs me.
As an eagle stirs up her nest,
Flutters over her young,
Spreads abroad her wings,
Takes them,
Bears them
On her wings:
My Heavenly Father
Has done this for me;
His heart flutters over me
When he sees me,
He stirs my heart,
He spreads his wings,
And carries me on his wings.
I will fly as the eagles
With My Heavenly Father
Who loves me.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

I Come On Bended Knees!!!


Into your presence

I come

On bended knees

To worship you.

I come

To thee.

You are my Lord!

I come

On bended knees

To worship you.

Oh, Lord God

I worship you


Oh Lord, my God,

I have nothing to say,

But to worship you

I love you!

I adore you!

Holy Art thou!

Oh Lord, my God,

You amaze me!

You are wonderful to me!

Oh Lord, my God,

I need thee!!

Lynetta Rival  December 15, 2015


The Father replies,

"Come my daughter!

Come away with me!

Come in my presence

On bended knee!

Come and worship me.

I am holy!

I am worthy

Of all worship!

Now come to me

As you are

Without one plea,

Just worship me!

I need thee

To worship me

With all heart,

With all your mind,

And with all your strength.

I am God alone!

Let no one take my place!

I will give you grace

To follow after me.

Seek me!

I know all!

I understand all!

Surrender all to me!

I give you my grace!!"


Lynetta December 13, 2015

Thursday, December 10, 2015


November 17 , 20015
Subject: A word from Holy Spirit


Rauch Hakodesh (Holy Spirit) warned me of bloodshed on the USA land, November 17 , 20015, if people didn't repent. I should have shared this as soon as I got it. Blood shed has already started.

Hear the Word!!

My eyes have see the glory of the coming of the Lord. He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored. He hath loosed the fateful lightening of His terrible swift sword. His truth is marching on.


This is what needs to be done. This nation needs to fight for freedom for other nations. Not to conqueror, but to give freedom so they too can worship me without fear and dread. This nation is coming to a point of reconciliation with God or there will be more bloodshed on their land for their disobedience and rebellion against their God. U.S.A. has been drawn away by their lust of the flesh and seeking pleasure, but their pleasure is not in me. Repentance begins in the house of the Lord. Returning to the Lord with seeking his face with tears of sorrow of their wickedness (For not drawing near to their God and not fellowshipping with Him.)

This is a test- A warning! It is not a laughing matter. This is very serious!!! Bloodshed will come if they will not repent. It is very near to the door step of U.S.A.


I am calling the house of the Lord to repentance. Calling on them to pray and seek my face by taking hold of the horns of the altar earnestly for their lives are at stake.

Behold the lamb of God which takes away the sin of the world. John 1:29,

I have looked at many faces. Their lives are full of despair. It is because they have rejected Jesus Christ and lived their lives according to themselves.

 I am not a God who is blind. I can see what they are doing. They can’t hide from me or think they can get away with sinning against Jesus Christ without punishment or judgment. I am not a God that looks the other way. I only did that when my Son became sin for mankind. I can not look at this wickedness without judging it.   Who do they think they are and who do they think I am? Huh?

Give me credit where credit is due!!

Watch! Pray! Proclaim repentance because the fullness of wrath is full. Time is full!! I am full of it! I am fed up with it! I have been slow to anger as you know!!!! This is  the limit!! Repentance needs to come!!!! Mark my word!!!! I am not finished yet! This is appointed time on the earth!! Judgment has begun to bring repentance!!

Rauch Hakodesh