I don’t mention much about my past
Because it’s a touchy
For me
And my family!
And my family!
I feel like it is time for me to share a little.
I was
raped by an ex-boyfriend
When I was younger,
Who was professing to be a Christian,
But in real life he
was a hypocrite all the way.
I found out the hard way.
He rejected me
After he
raped me
And left me alone
With my pregnancy
With my child.
I am glad for my
Who stood behind me
Even though at times
It was awkward for them
And they didn’t
know the full story
Or understood my perplexity
For being a pastor’s daughter
And pregnant out of wedlock.
I was the main
item of my dad’s sermons.
It was hard for me and my friends
To be there and hear it.
If I knew
what I know now,
I would have left there
To live on my own.
It might have been better
For me and my daughter.
I even had a family member
Who wanted to adopt my baby.
I told them sternly,
"No way
Would I
do that
And that I knew how to take of her
And I would take care of her."
I am glad that I did.
My grandmother
let me know
She would be behind me
All the way
And that she loved my unborn
She touched my belly as she said it.
She told me
She would do
Anything to help me and my unborn baby.
She did exactly what she said.
She did exactly what she said.
She was a blessing to me
And my baby.
God gave her to me
And when I looked at her
Even though she was darker skin than me.
I always loved darker
skin children.
I could see something special about them
They are unique in
their own way.
Please parents of the unborn child,
I beg of you
Let your unborn child
Live his/her life on this earth!
If you feel like you can't,
Find someone who can
And who wants to have your baby,
And who will take good care of the child.
I am glad that I had my baby
No matter the conditions surrounding it!!
She was mine and given to me by God!
Have a hope for your future and for baby's future.
This baby could save many lives!
Who knows? God does!
He created the baby at conception.
Give Life and Light to the unborn!!
Let them live abundant life!
Let them experience it for they choose life
When they were in the bosom of their Heavenly Father!!
For the mother
You know that you have life within you
When you feel that first flitter
Within you!
Let this life live within you
Until it is time to give her/him light into this world.
Feel and experience the life within you!
Sing to your baby!
Talk to your baby!
Pray for your baby!
Walk for your baby!
Keep healthy for your baby!
Let the baby live to the fullest!
Give light!! Give birth!!
Lynetta Rival August 2015