Friday, September 26, 2014

My Mama

 I love my mama.
 I miss my mama.
My mama, Marlene Rose Askland
 I appreciate her dearly.
 I have hold her memories dearly.
 I still have love from my mama.
 I still have peace from my mama.
 I still have joy from my mama.

I have a nose like my mama.
I have a face like my mama.
I have a smile like my mama.
I have hair like my mama.

Oh, how I wished that I listened more to my mama.
Oh, how I wished that I learned more from my mama.
My mama had a lot of wisdom and understanding.

My mom could sew anything.
She sewed my wedding dress for me.
 My mom could cook any food.
Her food always tasted wonderful.
It didn't matter if it was Spanish or Norwegian food
Or just wonderful American food.
My mama could paint any picture.
My mama could make anything.

My mama could watch all the children with tender care.
My mama could take care of her family with tender care.
Each one was special to her.
My mom could teach adults and kids
It didn't matter,
If it was in English or Spanish or God's word.
My mama loved everyone.

My mama was a friend to many.
More than anyone,
She was my friend, my mama.
I could talk to her about anything
And she would listen
And she would pray for me.

My mom is very special to me.
Thank you Lord for my mama.
Bless my mama with a kiss from me!
By Lynetta Rival copyright
September 26,2014

The Bald  Eagle by Marlene Asland

Monday, June 16, 2014

A Letter From My Dad

You know I love you?
I love it when we are close beside each other.
I love to hold you tight!
It seems all right
To be close to each other!
Lean against my shoulder
I will make it all right!
I never want to let you go!
I never will forsake you!
I will follow you!
I want to be near by your side!
I hope you want to abide
There near by my side!
I never want to loose you!
I never will abuse you!
I dearly love you!
I want to wipe away
The tears that flow
From your eyes!
Remember I love you!
You can talk to me any time!
I am awake day and night
Watching over you, my daughter!
Everything that has happened to you
Does matter
 to me!
Everything that you do
Does matter
to me!
My heart aches when others
Hurt each other!
I want you, to remember
I am your Father
Waiting to be close to eah other!
See you soon
My daughter!
Your Father!
June 2014

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Rise up! Rise up!!
Set your focus on high!!
For the King of Kings!
Is standing
In your behalf!
Rise and stand
For the King of Kings!
His Royal Highness!
Is Coming in Great Glory!
His Majesty
Will be riding on a white horse!
His name,
The Great I am!
The Alpha and Omega!
The beginning and the end!

He is coming
For his Bride
That shines
Like the Great
Morning Star,
With Her robes
Pure and Holy
Dressed in White!
Ready for Her Majesty!
By Lynetta Rival
May 2014 

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Ponder your path!!

It is time to check yourself!
Are you going the right pathway?
Are you off the pathway
That leads you to the green pastures
 Of the Great Shepherd?
Are you going no where which leads to destruction?

Does your God have your undivided attention
 Or does the things of this life 
(the god of this world) have your attention?

 Get back on the right track!
In all your ways acknowledge Him!
He is the author and finisher of our faith!
Examine yourself in the faith!
Don't let anything be a distraction!
 Run the race that is set before you!!
Press toward the prize
Of the mark of the high calling!
Lay hold unto eternal life!
Wake up and open your eyes!!!
Seek first the kingdom of God
 And his righteousness!
Focus on Jesus!!
You need to ponder your pathway!
Get back on the right track!!!
Jesus is the only way!!!
Walk ye in it!!!

 Proverbs 4:26

The Message (MSG) 23-27
Keep vigilant watch over your heart;
that’s where life starts.
Don’t talk out of both sides of your mouth;
avoid careless banter, white lies, and gossip.
Keep your eyes straight ahead;
ignore all sideshow distractions.
Watch your step,
and the road will stretch out smooth before you.
Look neither right nor left;
leave evil in the dust.

I Timothy 6:12
Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, where unto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses. KJV

Hebrews 12:1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,

Proverbs 3:5  ( MSG)
5-12 Trust God from the bottom of your heart;
    don’t try to figure out everything on your own.
Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go;
    he’s the one who will keep you on track.
Don’t assume that you know it all.
    Run to God! Run from evil!
Your body will glow with health,
    your very bones will vibrate with life!
Honor God with everything you own;
    give him the first and the best.
Your barns will burst,
    your wine vats will brim over.
But don’t, dear friend, resent God’s discipline;
    don’t sulk under his loving correction.
It’s the child he loves that God corrects;
    a father’s delight is behind all this.

Philippians 3:12 

The Message (MSG)
12-14 I’m not saying that I have this all together, that I have it made. But I am well on my way, reaching out for Christ, who has so wondrously reached out for me. Friends, don’t get me wrong: By no means do I count myself an expert in all of this, but I’ve got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward—to Jesus. I’m off and running, and I’m not turning back.
15-16 So let’s keep focused on that goal, those of us who want everything God has for us. If any of you have something else in mind, something less than total commitment, God will clear your blurred vision—you’ll see it yet! Now that we’re on the right track, let’s stay on it.
2 Corinthians 5 (MSG)
5-9 Test yourselves to make sure you are solid in the faith. Don’t drift along taking everything for granted. Give yourselves regular checkups. You need firsthand evidence, not mere hearsay, that Jesus Christ is in you. Test it out. If you fail the test, do something about it. I hope the test won’t show that we have failed. But if it comes to that, we’d rather the test showed our failure than yours. We’re rooting for the truth to win out in you. We couldn’t possibly do otherwise.

Ezekiel 30:21 KJV
21 And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Open Arms

Open Arms by Lynetta Rival!

September 29, 2013 at 10:56pm

By the Artist -Paco

 Open arms
That is what I saw!
I saw God's open arms
Reaching out to me
and mankind!
I saw his face
With love and compassion!
Oh, how he longed to be
In my embrace!
If only I would respond
To his open arms!
It takes two to embrace!
As I looked at his face
And arms
I could no longer
Wait to be in his embrace!
As I ran into his embrace,
I could feel his embrace.
It felt so good to have my Father's embrace!
He held me tight!
It felt so right!
All the pain,
All the care,
All the sorrow
And despair
Left as I felt my Father's embrace!
As I was in his embrace
I knew this is where I belonged,
In the arms of the Almighty God!
Don't you see?
This is where you
Belong too.
By Lynetta Rival,
 September 2013

Monday, March 31, 2014

Praise The Lord!

I just want to praise the Lord!
I just want to praise His Word!
I just to want to use His sword!

I just to want to pray and say,"Praise the Lord"!
His Word is powerful, like a two-edge sword.

The battle is of the Lord!
Just be in one accord
As you pray to the Lord!

He will answer you
As you obey and abide in His Word!
He will answer you
When you call upon the Name of the Lord!
By Lynetta Rival copyright 2011

Come Away With Me My Bride

Come Away With Me My Bride!
Come away with me my bride!
My chosen one,
Come away with me!
My dear one!
Come away with me!
Come away with me!
Never doubt me!
I have your best in mind!
I have never forsaken you!
Rest by my side!
I will lead you,
I will guide you,
By the still waters,
I will show you the way.
Rest a while,
For I have something
To show you.
Something that you
Have never have dreamed of
Or imagined!
Do you think
That I don’t know
What is the matter?
I know!
I care!
I love!
Come away with me!
Come in the shelter of my arms!
There abide
At my side!
Feel my breath upon your ear
Knowing I’m so near.
I’m speaking sweet words,
Speaking tenderly and so softly!
Come hold my hand as I hold yours!
Could it be…
That is where
I want you
To be?
Close beside me,
All the way!
Sheltered in my arms,
So close!
So tight!
I’m not letting you go!
I am right here!

My Dear One

My soul longs for thee,
Oh my Lord,
My Dear One!
My heart aches for thee
Like a hart that pants after
My soul longs for your courts!
Your banner over me is love!
My lips drip like dew
For your love is sweeter
Than honey and wine!
You have serenaded me
With your voice of love!
You have danced for joy
Over me!
We will dance
and we will sing
Over each other
Until our hearts
 Melt as one!
Oh my Lord,
My Dear One.
by Lynetta Rival
{Used some scripture from King James Version}

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Can You Fill Your Mouth...

Can you fill your mouth with kindness?
Can you fill your mouth with patience?
Can you fill your mouth with goodness?

Can you fill your mouth with mercy?
Can you fill your mouth with grace?
Can you fill your mouth with love?
Can you fill your mouth with peace?

Can you fill your mouth with gentleness?
Can you fill your mouth with forgiveness?
Can you fill your mouth with longsuffering?
Can you fill your mouth with the fruits of the Spirit of the Living God?

Can you fill your mouth with understanding?
Can you fill your mouth with knowledge?
Can you fill your mouth with wisdom?
Can you fill your mouth with faith?
Can you fill your mouth with prophesy?
Can you fill your mouth with tongues?
Can you fill your mouth with the interpretation of tongues?
Can you fill your mouth with the gifts of the Spirit of the Living God?

Can you fill your mouth with proclamations?
Can you fill your mouth with declarations?
Can you fill your mouth with encouragement?
You can, if you would listen to the seven Spirits of the Living God!!!

Let God give you a revelation
Of his redemption
And his salvation!
Accept his salvation
And redemption,
And  you will be in good communication
And have a deep relation of Spirit of the Living God!

Stop listening to the spirits of divination!!
Stop listening to the familiar spirits!!
Stop listening to the spirits of the devil!
Stop letting the devil fill you with his debauchery!

Most of all, let God fill your mouth with the gifts of the Spirit of the Living God!!
Walk and live in the Spirit of the Living God,
You will have the victory,
Being filled with the fruit of Spirit of the Living God!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Not My Home!!

             This kingdom of this world
           Is not my home

And I know that the kingdom
Of God awaits for me.
King Jesus has forgiven me
And I know that heaven
Awaits for me.
As I live on this earth
The kingdom of heaven
Is within me, 
For the Holy Spirit dwells
And lives within me
And through me.
The Holy Spirit is
My Guide,
My Comfort,
And my Holy Teacher.
I am not afraid
For he is always with me
And he will never leave me.
Christ in me,
The hope of glory.
The eternal God,
Lives within me.
In Him I move,
I love,
I believe,
I receive,
I live,
And have my be-ing.
I am his offspring.
He gave me Light
As I breathed my first breath
In this life on this earth.
As I have surrendered
My life to him,
He has given me eternal life.
He has chosen us
To have a fruitful life
In Him,
Jesus Christ!
Be not afraid of him!
He loves you!!
Let him in!!..