My soul cries out Hallelujah!!
In the midst of the storm
I know my God cares for me!
Some may not understand me!
Some times I don't understand
Why things come my way,
But my soul cries out Hallelujah
Storms may roll,
But I know Jesus is with me
All the way!!
No matter what comes my way,
I know Jesus in me
Can help me
No matter what comes my way.
I never imagined that these storms
would pass my way.
I never would have taken this pathway
If I knew this would
Have happened this way.
I am glad I never knew
Because I met so many people
In this pathway.
My soul cries out Hallelujah
Any way!!!
As I see people around me,
With their pain and sorrows.
I can't change them
Only Jesus can!
So I will point them
To Jesus!!
Let them meet the one
Who can!!
He can change their sorrow
Into joy!!
He can change their pain
Into a miracle!
See what Jesus has done today!!
I say Hallelujah any way!!