Monday, February 21, 2011

Questionaire: 7 questions

I have seven questions:

Do you know that God loves you?

Do you believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God?

Do you believe that you have sinned in any manner against God or man?

Do you believe in your heart that Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins and that God arose Jesus from the dead?

Have you confessed with your mouth Jesus Christ or Yeshua as your Lord of your life?

Pray aloud: Jesus (Yeshua), I confess you are the Lord of my life. Amen!

Have you confessed your sins to God?

Pray aloud: Lord, I am or have been ___________, please forgive me and wash me clean of that fleshly desire. In Jesus (Yeshua's) name.

   If you have, are you confessing them daily?  I was told many times that I only need to confess once, but you know we all have short comings in our daily lives. It is important that we confess our sins daily and ask for strength to fight the temptations. It is hard name all our sins at first, but it will get easier as we daily ask forgiveness and help. Do it with a sincere heart!  Jesus will listen and wipe it all away. He will give you the strength to fight temptations.

   If you have done this, realize you are a son/daughter of God and He has washed you clean. He loves you no matter what you have done. "Be healed and go and sin no more!" This is what Jesus said. If he said this,then we can do it by the grace and mercy of God.

  If you have done wrong against someone, go to them to restore (restitute) the situation and ask for forgiveness.

   I love you and God loves you!
      Minister: Lynetta Rival

Who's that knocking at my door? Who's that knocking at my door? Could it be the Saviour knocking at your door of your heart? Will you let Him in?:)

If we confess our sins,he is faithful and just to forgive our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. I John 1:9

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

How He Loves - Jeremy Riddle version

Can you out love Jesus?
Can you do what Jesus did?
He died on the cross sinless!
He died for mankind!
He was so kind!
He was love!
God is love!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Son of God Have Mercy on Me!

Son of God have mercy on me!
Have mercy on me!(2x)

Cleanse me from every sin!
Wash me clean
From every bondage!
Make me whole again!

Son of God have mercy on me!
Set my spirit free
To worship thee!

Son of God have mercy on me!
Have mercy on me!(2x)

All to You (song)

All to you I give you glory!
All to you I give you praise!

Holy! Holy! Holy!
Lord God Almighty!

All to you I give you glory!
All to you I give you praise!

Glory! Glory! Glory!

Worthy is the lamb
That was slain
On Calvary!

All to you I give you glory!
All to you I give you praise!

Jesus,My Lord (song)

Jesus, My Lord!
Jesus, My Saviour!
Jesus, My King!

I will sing!
I will dance!
I will praise!
My Lord, My Savior, My King!

You are Lord!
No one else like you!
You are my Saviour!
No one else like you!
You are my King!
No one else like you!
Isaiah 46:9, Isaiah 45:15,18